Thursday 30 June 2011

occipital lobes

significant functional aspect of the occipital lobe is
1:contain the primary visual cortex
2:the part of the brain where dream come from

Occipital Lobe also contain most anatomical region of visual cortex
or its call Primary Visual cortex that was = to Brodmann Area 17 or in other word
Visual one(V1)

V1 is located at the median side of Occipital Lobe
within the Calcarine Sulcus
it full extent of V1 often continueous onto the posterior pole of the Occipital Lobe
n also call striate cortex that can be identified by a large stripe of
myelin, the Stria of Gennari

visually driven rigions outside V1 is called 
Extrasriate Cortex
that have many of it n it also have been specialised for
-different visual tasks
-visuospatial processing
-color discrimination
-motion percoption

p/s:name derives from the
everlying Occipital bone,
that named from the latin
oc-+caput, "back of the head"


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