Sunday 10 July 2011

Apa tu cinta sejati???

Da bertahun aku crik jwpn cinte sejati
aku kapel pastu aku pikir nie lar cnte sejati coz da 7 thn aku kapel tp ttp xdpt mencri kebahagiaan yg kekal abadi
pastu aku terjoin group dlm fb
aku tgk post2 yg dihntr
pastu aku kaji n bacer ngn teliti
ruper2nyer na cinta yg abadi kene cinta penciptanyer
tnyer ustaz pown jwpn dye smer

pastu aku terpikir ttg kapel
naper manusie sibuk na kapel????
aku pikir ttg diri kau
naper aku na sgt disygi
sdgkn klu kite syg agame kite
trus ramai muslimin n muslimat yg syg kt kite
sbb berjuang demi agame
nie syg sorang kt org bukn mahram
pastu berlagak lak tu
tyg sner tyg snie
jln berkepit
n mcm2 lg lar

naper kite xnk berkepit ngn al-Quran ker
naper xna dgr citer2 yg best dlm al-Quran???
akhirnyer jwpn dr persoalan nie pown dpt
manusia mmg suker n syg dgn maksiat n haram
x cayer???
try tnyer org kapel...
best x kapel??
msti dyeorg kabo kapel best
kapel tu lak dlm Islam haram
tnyer yg mnum arak, judi n mkn babi
best x mkn, mnum n men???
sah dyeorg ckp best giler
punyer pendek pemikiran manusie skang termasok aku

pas pde tulis nie aku arap aku dpt berubah ke arh yg lg baik dn bagus
dan aku arapkn saper2 yg bacer nie
dpt menyedarkn diri sndiri
coz yg leh ubah diri seseorg bkn ustaz or ulama'
tetapi diri sndiri

wallahua'lam bissawa'
p/s:post nie bkn tuk kutuk org
or per2...just sbagai renungan
n sntapan minda utk si pembace

ya ahlul jannah

Monday 4 July 2011

Ari nie bermulernyer kehidupan aku yg baru n sehat...hehe...
aku diajak oleh member aku ker GYM...
wow...first time kowt...
best giler....sbbnyer???
aku dpt meraser alat2 sukan kt mmg penat....
slh stu sbb nyer...
aku da lamer x bersenam...hehehe
lemak nek...mmg ebat lar aku dok umah...
wat lemak jer...haha
okay...anyway...aku da start wt stu perjlnn idup yg lebih sihat...
n aku akn trus kn smpai aku x lrt...
be the man who never know the meaning of lose

Friday 1 July 2011


okay...ari nie aku blaja bab arteries...
kiter start skang...

  • arteries is the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  • its brought oxygenated blood
  • its very important for sustaining life
  • responsible for the delivery of oxygen n nutrients to all cell
  • remove carbon dioxide n waste products
  • maintanance of optimum pH n the mobility of the element, proteins n cells of the immune system
  • in developes countries:its leading causes of death, myocardial infarction n stroke
  •  the result from an arteries system that has been slowly n progressively compromised by year of deteriorations
  • high-pressure portion of the circulation system
  • arteries pressure varies between the peak pressure during heart contraction is called systolic pressure
  • when heart expands n refills it called diastolic pressure
  • carry blood away except pulmonary arteries
  • anatomy of arteries can be seperated into gross anatomy,at the macroscopic level n microscopic level which need miscroscope